Badalucca, Medioli, Visconti
Diego de Brea

May 15 at 7.00 pm
Venue: Slovensko mladinsko gledališče (spodnja dvorana)
Duration: 110 minutes

The story begins on the February night in 1933 when the Reichstag burned down, ends after the famed Night of the Long Knives in June 1934, and describes the disintegration of a German family in the time of the Nazi campaign. It is a story in which danger propels a wild courage and lends romantic beauty to what is demonic. It is a story in which events master man and not the other way around. A story that is endlessly exciting, hypnotic, magnificent, monumental, strange, bizarre, and also crazy, sublime, and hotly sensual….The shattering narrative of the von Essenbeck family, a drama based on Visconti’s cult film.

Diego de Brea studied comparative literature, art history, and theatre directing at the Ljubljana Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television. His thesis performance Obločnica, ki se rojeva was rewarded at the 1999 International Theatre Festival of student productions in Brno. De Brea is the creator of important productions in Slovenian repertory and non-institutional theatres. He has tackled many different genres: plays for young people, puppet theatre, author’s projects, classical and contemporary texts, everything up to music vaudeville. In Italy, he directed the author’s project Leonora using Wagner’s motifs with the opera singer Eleonora Jankovich. His works have been performed at home and abroad.

Director: Diego de Brea
Performers: Sandi Pavlin, Maruša Geymayer-Oblak, Matija Vastl, Uroš Maček, Željko Hrs, Pavle Ravnohrib, Romana Šalehar, Nataša Travnikar, Dario Varga, Boris Kos, Jadranka Tomažič, Olga Grad, Ivan Rupnik, Kristina Čufar, Staša Miklavec, Valerij Jeraj, Boštjan Kljakič, Štefan Marčec, Mitja Trampuš
Translation: Suzana Koncut
Dramaturgy: Diana Koloini
Set design: Diego de Brea
Costume design: Leo Kulaš
Music selection: Diego de Brea, Silvo Zupančič
Sound design: Silvo Zupančič
Light design: Diego de Brea
Production: Slovensko mladinsko gledališče





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